Environmentally Sustainable
98% Recyclable
Green building is taken seriously by ACTS CSI. It’s an integral part of what the company is and what it wants to build. ACTS CSI uses ecologically-friendly materials in order to make less of an impact on the environment. The materials and components used in ACTS CSI structures are 98% recyclable. What isn’t used is returned back into the manufacturing and production processes.
ACTS CSI creates structures and uses processes that are environmentally responsible and efficient. ACTS CSI has a strong commitment to sustainable living. This commitment means that the ACTS CSI structure will be energy efficient. Energy efficiency comes naturally with an ACTS CSI structure and because the building materials, components and fabrication methods promote conservation. All of these energy savings equal dollar savings.
ACTS CSI makes it easy to learn more about enhanced energy conserving options available for the desired structures and overall project. Depending on the level of interest and budget considerations, the ACTS CSI design team will work with you to ensure you get the most energy efficient products and technology for your project as possible. For more information, please call 877-444-0880 or Contact ACTS CSI today.