Proven Durability
Lifetime Guarantee
For over 20 years, the research in life-cycle technology has focused on developing and applying various methods that facilitate a systematic approach to construction and fabrication material choices. Another consideration must be to evaluate the long-term reliability and ecological properties of the materials and components used in ACTS CSI structures and related products.
The important aspects of the ACTS CSI commitment to this work includes material identification, and characterization. The analysis of the various lifetime limiting properties of each of the studied materials and components used by ACTS CSI will help to better the longevity of the materials and improve the construction process. The studies and testing of such materials and components include polymeric construction materials, electrical components, advanced coatings featuring anti-reflectant layers, sunlight absorbent materials, corrosion resistant materials and more.
The results of these efforts have produced highly advanced, cost effective, and eco-friendly products that offer sustainability in the harshest of environments, enhanced functionality, user reliability, and low maintenance. AND, ACTS CSI is so positive that it offers the highest quality in materials available today that its structures are backed by a Lifetime Warranty on all ACTS CSI manufactured components. Now that’s confidence!
To learn more about the features and benefits of ACTS CSI Structures, Click Here.